Friday, August 31, 2012

Now thats a welcome sight!

Joann Fabric was having a sale this weekend and I had been wanting to make myself a few pairs of pants. This am after the girls got on the bus, LJ and I headed on over there. Bottom weights were on sale and red tag was an additional 50% off, and yarn was on sale,  how could I not?
I managed to get a few things, and upon leaving I took at look down the bottom of my reciept, and what do my wondering eyes see?

I cant wait to get sewing!!

Have a great day,

Thursday, August 30, 2012

I feel empowered!

There is something about using a power tool , or a tool in general and getting a job done, Maybe its because stereotypically men use them, I have never let that stop me and I am not afraid to use a tool. My most randon tool usage is soldering! The other day I made some jewelry for the girls and I. First I made a mama bracelet, It has our wedding day, the kids initial and thier birthmonth stone
I absolutely love it. I also made the girls first day of school jewelry. There is an 1<3u note, and a string of 5 seed beads, one to represent each memeber of our family so if they were to get sad at school they had all of us together. At the end of the 5 beads was thier favorite colored bead.
I also made them some necklaces, and if you were wondering yes I did go out and buy a scrabble game just so I could use the tiles... LOL. For these I drilled the hole and added a birthstone bead to them. I cant wait to show them these
This jewelry consisted of metal stamping, drilling, and soldering. See you dont have to be a man to use a tool. Avry loved her first day of school, poor Jack didnt care to much for his girls leaving him. I am sure over time it will get easier for him. As for Lily, she was apprehensive at first. She doesnt like to not know whats going on, and they dont find out who thier teacher is until the first day of school, last year and this year she struggled with this. She wasnt disappointed either time. She say she loves her teacher! Have a great day,

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

First day of school for 2!

First, I can't beleive the summer is over. Second, waaaah I have 2 babies going to school this year. Lily is going to second grade, and watch out world Avry is going to kindergarten. Ironically I am most worried about the dog! She is going to be lost without Avry. Little sleep was had by myself last night, I may have been just as excited for the girls as they were themselves. Back packs, lunches and snacks were packed
After many attempts by 1 very excited and 1 apprehensive girl we headed outside
I have to brag about my outfits I made :D Here is a Miss Madeline for Avry, I used this pattern from Handmade dress I have used this pattern and many others of hers to and they are all wonderful. Her skirt is from childrens place, what can I say she loves purple!
Now Miss Lily on the other hand, she was all about Oliver + s For her I made the free ruffle halter minus the ruffles and the picnic shorts
Even if he isnt in school here are all my sweet babies.
Poor Jack, misses his girls!
I will have to let you know how the day goes and show the special jewelry that I made for them for thier first day. Have a great day,

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I love to read other peoples blogs, I love to be inspired by thier creativity and watch thier 'happenings'. I find it interesting and inspiring. I cant lie and say I have never blogged, I fall under the category of blog for a few weeks if that then stop, just like that. I have blamed it on pictures takeing too long to upload, not having time ect. But in reality the way phones are set up these days I take pictures with my phone and can upload them right then and there, and I like most of the population spend a part of my day here almost everyday. I debated trying to pick up an old blog yet again but I fresh is best. Starting a new blog may just inspire me to keep going with it.
My sewing and knitting is in full swing, school starts for us tomorrow and this year I have a 2nd grader and Kindergartener. I cant believe it! My biggest baby girl a second grader, and my baby girl Kindergarten!!!
We have a day planned of painting nails, packing our back packs and mama has a few errands to do as well. Have a great day,