Friday, November 30, 2012

More Christmas crafting has taken place

I have decided that one of Jacksons Christmas presants will be a quilt. I had fabric I had picked up on random shopping trips.

After some searching I designed my block

Today I set out and irons and fussily cut my squares. I had originally intended to cut 80 4.75" squares but some of the prints didnt work that way, so I ended up cutting 6.5" squares from 4 of the prints.

These are the 6.5" squares

I also cut out 4x4 squares which I cut into triangles. There are no pictures of these, they are plain black.
In other crafting news, I was able to get a few more doll things done this week. I made these skirts
I am also going to make the girls matching ones. Here is Avrys, I need to fix the elastic buts its soo cute and I think she is going to LOVE it.  For the skirts I used rolls of tulle I found at Hobby Lobby, I managed to find zebra and cheetah print.

Thats all for now,
Stop on back to see what Leon our elf on a shelf has been up to this week!
Have a great day,

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Doll cowl neck sweater Part 2!

A few days ago I shared a cowl neck doll sweater I had written up. Since then the girls were off of school so I couldnt finish it because I didnt want them to see it. So I just knitted up a few more.

We left off with weaving in our ends

Once you weave your ends in you are also going to sew the small gap left under each arm.
Now we are going to tac the cowl down on both ends. First off lets do the short sides. With wrong sides together do a simple straight stith or a matress stitch along the edges

Now you are going to tac the cowl down to the sweater. I only suggest this so you dont have to worry about blocking it or it falling out of place and upsetting the little ones. The Cast on edge of the cowl is going to meet right about where you had started the raglan increase, in other words it will cover the 3 rows you knit of 41 stitches.

Again we are going to do a matress stitch or straight stitch along the edges. You dont have to worry about matching up stitch for stitch. As you can see I used a long stitch. You can 'fluff' your cowl up later when its being worn.


Now we will add the velcro. I prefer to have the 'hook' side on the outside so it hopefully wont catch the yarn as easily. I simply took a 1" piece and cut it in half. I sewed the hook side with a zig zag stitch down the left side

Do the same with the loop side, except zig zag this to the wrong side on the right
Now you can close them right up and dressing is simple.

Congrats you have made a cowl neck sweater for your 18" doll! 

*For the purple 3/4 sleeve version I knit 6 rounds before doing the ribbing.
These can be done without the cowl by casting on 42, doing a ribbing of 2x2, when dividing for markers k11, pm, k4, pm, k12, pm, k4, pm, p11. You could also keep the first and last stitches in garter and make it a cardigan. For short sleeves, do 4 rows of garter when you pick up the sleeve stitches. Next up I have a cabled sweater on its way. Hopefully later this week.

Sneak peak of the the cables sweater coming up

Hope you have a wonderful day


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day 22

Day 22: First off I would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! Today I am thankful for yesterday, the choices of yesterday are what brought me today. I wouldn't change a thing from yesterday if I knew it would bring to today. I am appreciative of all I have and all I don't. Life isn't about having everything you want, it's about wanting everything you have!

Eat well, enjoy your familes and friends and remember there is someone out there who has it worse off. NO matter how bad it is, it could always be worse. Appreciate all you have today!

Hope you have an amazing day


What are you thankful for?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day 21 with a side of creativity

Day 21: After having a its not ok to be sassy with your teacher chat with my 5 year old today I realized todays thanks. Today I am thankful for the individuals my children are. I appreciate thier differences so very much.

I have been working on some clothes and shoes for the girls Christmas gifts.


And a wee knott doll for a cousin that just had a baby.
My Yarn along this week :)
This is a pattern I worked on an drafted up. I just need to finish up the tutotrial part of it. I shared the knitting part of it earlier this week. Now I need to write up the finishing of it.
Yarn along brought to you by Ginny. Now that I am finished my 2 testers of the pattern, I need to knit one up for a friend for a doll clothes swap and finish the sleeves of Lily sweater. First up Thanksgiving!  
Have a great day
What are you thankful for ?


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day 20: Today I am thankful for Books! Each time you pick up a book its a new adventure to get lost in. There is nothing like getting lost between the pages. I especially love that lately I can find Lily with her nose in a book most days.

What are you thankful for today?

Monday, November 19, 2012

Free 18" doll sweater pattern!

Remember I showed you this sweater I knit as a tester the other day?

Well I have written my notes into what I hope to be more easily read. I am only sharing the first part, which is the sweater itself right now. I will hopefully have a picture tutorial of the rest tomorrow including the velcro closure.

18" Doll Cowl Neck Sweater

The sweater is knit from the top down in a raglan style. Once the body of the sweater is knit , the sleeves are picked up and also knit in the round. The back has a velcro closure you will need to sew on.

Worsted Weight yarn *or yarn needed to obtain gauge
Size 7 circular needle 16" or longer
Size 7 DPN
4 stitch markers
Darning needle for weaving in ends
sewing machine or method of attaching velcro for a back closure

4 st's and 5 rows per inch

*Notes: The first stitch of every row, will be slipped .

Co 60
row 1:  Knit
row 2: knit
row 3: knit
*we are now going to start knitting in stockinette stitch by alternating 1 row of knit and 1 of purl
row 4: purl
row 5: knit
row 6: purl
Continue rows 5 and 6 being sure to slip the first stitch of the row in the manner you are working the row (slip knit wise on a knit row, purl wise on a purl row) until the cowl measures 3 3/4 inches from the cast on edge.
We will now begin decreasing for the neckline. Remember to slip the first stitches.
row 1: *k11, k2tog* - repeat from * 4x totatl, K last 7 stitches   *56 stitches
row 2: purl
row 3: *k7, k2tog * -repeat from * 6x, k2      *50 stitches
row 4: purl
row 5: *k4, k2tog* -repeat from * 8x, k2  *42 stitches
row 6: purl
row 7: k20, k2tog, k to end   *41 stitch
row 8: purl
row 9: knit
row 10: knit

You will now be adding in markers to begin the raglan increases.
p11, pm, p4, pm, p11, pm, p4, pm, p11
row 1: sl 1st st, *knit to 1 st before marker, kfb, slm, kfb* till end. You will be increasing 8 stitches on every knit row be knitting in the front and back of the stitch before and after the markers.
row 2: purl
*continue row 1 and 2 until you have 18, m, 18, m, 29, m, 18, 18, being sure to end on a purl row
You will now be placing the sleeve stitches *stitches between markers 1-2 and 3-4.
Knit to the first marker, place the 18 sleeve stitches on scrap yarn, knit acorss the back till the 3rd marker, slip the 18 sleeve stitches onto scrap yarn. Knit the second front side.

row 1: sl 1 st purl wise, purl across
row 2: sl 1 st knit wise, knit across
Repeat rows 1 and 2 until the sweater is 2 inches from the underarm.

Hem band:
work 5 rows of 1x1 ribbing

Using your DPN transfer the stitches you placed on scrap yarn onto your DPN evenly.
Knit 10 rows in the round.
Knit 5 rows of 1x1 ribbing

Repeat for both sleeves

This is part on of the pattern. Stay tuned for a tutorial on part 2. :)

part 2

Day 19

Day 19: Today I am thankful for health. I am greatful that my family is in good health! My heart goes out to those suffering and not in the best of health.

I am hoping to be back later with something fun to share. I have intentions on making some doll cothes.

Have a fantastic day


What are you thankful for today?

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day 18

Today I am thankful for being able to have one on one time with the children.

Hope you have a glorious Sunday, I have wings in the oven for a get together later. I cut out paper patterns for some sewing while the girls are in school tomorrow and I am enjoying my babies while my hubby works.

Thanks for stopping by,

P.s what are you thankful for today?

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Friday and Saturday thanks

Day 16: I am thankful for our dogs. Polo was an amazing blessing to our home. Nala is also wonderful in her own way.
Day 17: I am thankful for IRL friends

Thats all for now,

P.S what are you thankful for?

I am working on a new pattern. Its a doll sweater

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 15 with a side of sewing

Day 15: Today I am thankful for being able to get my girls quality Christmas gifts. Some struggle to put food on the table and I ma thankful we do not have that struggle.

I did some sewing yesterday and today for the girls. I made this Violet fields jacket for Lily, it is completely reversable, and 3/4 sleeve per her request and a reversable newsboy hat. It is absolutely adorable if I must say so.

The jacket is made with a corderoy and lined with a cheetah print, it is the same fabric I made her first day of school shirt from. I have since added buttons to this.

I sewed for Avry today, I tested a pattern for a friend, this is the same pattern I used making the owl tunic for Lily. I used a glittery plaid print and a contrast purple.

Excuse the side ways angle.

I leave you today with a conspiracy. Luke Skyewalker, yes the Luke from Star Wars is CHEATING on Princess Leia! I kid you not! Have a look at what I found today.4
Can you believe it? Her mess hair and lack of attire say it all.

Have a great day,

What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 14 and a yarn along

Day 14: Today I am thankful for the story time at the library with Miss Ellen. Jack sure does love our weekly visits.

This week I decided to take part in Ginny's Yarn Along. I share with you my recent knitting adventure.

 I am working on a flutter cardigan for Lily. As you can see, I still have the sleeves to go. This is kind of my own in a way, I did a garter hem but tried an Icord bind off for the front bands and neck, I did tack them down which is not required but a personal preferance. Was my first time doing one and I quite like it.

Thats all for now
Hope you have a wonderful day

P.s What are you knitting?
What are you thankful for today?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 13

Day 13: Today I am thankful for the amazing teachers that my girls have had the pleasure of learning from and with. Thanks ladies, even if only one of you has the opportunity to see this.

Yesterday I had full intentions of sewing, but as it turned out the pattern I was planning on sewing from didnt have the sleeve sizes I needed. So I ended up tracing another pattern and stopped there. The kids of course had the day off, so we had fun with pipe cleaners, colored with the girls,  had tomato soup and salad for lunch, took a shower which I turned into a bath for them, watched a movie with pop corn ( I may have fallen asleep) then I started to cook dinner and work.
It was a fun filled day which we needed an enjoyed. Today I may attempt to sew again, but we shall see. The dishes are staring at me as is the clean laundry.

Hope you have a great day,

Monday, November 12, 2012

Two days of thanks in 1

I didnt take the time to share yesterdays thanks, Hubby worked the morning, kids had a neighbor over and I was called into work.

Day 11:  Today I am thankful for wonderful neighbors. Kids and I had a blast on our playdate today.
Day 12: I am thankful for kids having an extra day off of school. I love being able to have the time with them.

I am hoping to get some sewing in this morning and maybe some outside time this afternoon.
Hope you have a great day

What are you thankful for today?

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 10

Today I am thankful for an online community of friends I have made. There are no judgement, they are there or one another, support each other and no matter what happens at the end of the day you know just where to find them! Thanks ladies I ❤u all!!

Hope you have a great day,

What are you thankful for today?

Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 9

Day 9: Today I am thankful for having the ability to craft. I am greatful to be able to create for my family and for others. I love watching 'material' transform into something. I am thankful for the times I get lost in a project.

Since I am thankful for crafting I will share with you my most recent knitting project. I am working on a flutter or waterfall cardigan for my oldest daughter. I dont have a pattern so I am basically winging this one. Maybe if I am feeling super generous I may share it.
This is what I have so far.
Please excuse it being sideways.
Hope you have a great day,


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 8 of thanks

Day 8: Today I am thankful for mornings.  Not only is everyday an opportunity but my babies crawl in bed with hubby and I adn we all get to cuddle and talk.

Todays photos are of my babies in thier winter knits. It seems I finished just in time.
Please excuse the too small coats. When I bought them 2 years ago I got them big, they have finally outgrown them.
My sweet boy had an irresistable reqest last night

Hows a mama to say no to veggies even if it was just about bed time? lol
I made some necklaces for the family I mentioned the other day. The mother had passed after her 3 year battle with cancer. I made these for the kids and dad.

Hope you have a spectacular day,


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 7 of thanks

Day 7: Today I am thankful for the friends and family hat I do have in my life. I am thankful for thier acceptance and lack of judgement. Understanding that being different doesnt affect friendships, that it only enhances it. I  am greatful for those that choose to be there and thankful for those that choose not to.

What are you thankful for?

Last night I finished a certain small boys winter set.

He says he likes it but took it off immediately after this picture LOL. Ah well its cute and we have it if we need it.
A certain big girl has found a book serious that she loves! This was after coming home from the book store yesterday.

I couldnt be more proud, she is just like her mama!

Have a great day,

P.s I am already thinking of Christmas gifts, how sad is that?

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 6 of Thanks

Day 6: Today I am thankful for our home. I am thankful we have a roof over our head, a place to lay our heads at night. A place to call our own and to keep us warm. A place we can all be together.

Here is a bonus pic of the winter hand knits I have finished so far. I jsut cast on Jacks scarf last night. The kids love thier sets so far.

The girls girls neck pieces are my own as are the fingerless gloves. The girls hats are from velvet acron on etsy, Jacks hat is I think a world war II hat off of ravelry. If you would like links please let me know.

We are off the the book store since the library is closed.

Hope you have a great day,


Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 5 of thanks and a passing

Today I thankful that my husband and I are both fortunate enough to have jobs.

Have a great day

What are you thankful for today?

I am interupting a post of thanks to share some sad news. An online sewing friend of mine passed away this am after a 3 year battle with colon/rectal cancer. She just recently entered into hospice and today her journey and fight has come to an end. My thoughts are with her 2 young children and her husband.
Here is her blog that tell of her battle. She blogged along the way.

A few of her sewing friends have been collecting things to send to her children. If you are interested please leave a comment.

This ones for you Sheri!! May you rest in peace.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 4 of thanks and a freebie

Day 4: today I am thankful for my 3 wonderful children. Lily is kind, nurturing, althletic, smart, observant and very thoughtful. Avry firey, determined, kind, an amazing artist, sure of herself and what she wants and sweet. Jackson is full of energy, silly, loving, creative, smart, fast learner and so sweet. I am thankful everyday I get to watch them grow and learn. I cherish every moment and am honored for them to call me mama!

Todays freebie is an adorable cowl/short scarf I made for Avry for the colder weather.

The hat pattern is from The velvet Acorn and is the Piper Cloche , The flowers are from here. For the one on the hat I CO 150 and followed the pattern, The fingerless gloves are my own pattern, they are called Action Fingers.  For the short scarf/cowl I looked and couldnt find anything that I liked that would fit a 5 year old let alone a child.
 So I decided to make my own. I knew I wanted it to be about 22 inches at least.
 My guage was 4.5SPI (stitches per inch) using a size 8 needle and vannas choice yarn. I ended up CO 88 stitches,
I knit each row back and forth till it was about 2.5 inches. There were 9 garter ridges,
I knit 6 stitches and BO 8, I continued knitting till the end.
I turned and knit back till where I had BO those 8 stitches and this row I CO (cast on) 8 stitches, and continuted till then end.
I have created a large button hole in which I used the flower as my button (CO 100 stiches for the flower).
I then kept knitting till I had 9 ridges on either side of the button hole.
 Bo and weave your ends in
 She absolutely loves the set, and so do I. 

Hope you have a great day. 


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 3

Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 2 of thanks

Day 2: Today I am thankful for our wood burning stove. The temperatures are just now starting to get very cold, but during the day it isnt cold enough to need the heat. At night some extra warmth is very welcome. On these days I an thankful for our wood burning stove.

Yesterday I finally did some sewing. I made Lily a new Gymnastics Leo. I like this one very much, but again it seems to be a little short in the torso are in my mama opinion. She loves it and its usable. So I can try again with a bigger size.

I just happened to have the perfect match of FOE *fold over elastic* that matches the blue lycra.  Pattern is Jalie 2443.

Thats all for today,
What are you thankful for today?

Thursday, November 1, 2012

A month of thanks!

As I am sure you know, Thanksgiving is a day in which people share what they are thankful for. I did this last year and thoroughly enjoyed it, so I will do it again this year. Each day during the month of November I will share something I am thankful for. Sometimes we overlook just how very much we do have. So I challenge you to do the same. Everyday say outloud, write a list, share on your FB, comment here What are you thankful for today??

Today I am thankful for not having had any damage from Hurricane Sandy!

Here are my angels on Halloween. I have 2 beautiful princess's and one knight! They had a blast.

I think thier favortie part is the Halloween Fairy. We took this on I believe last year or the year before. The kids get to go out and do all the Halloween trick or treat fun. But when we come home, they got to pick a piece to eat then and there. Then they chose 5 pieces of candy that they wanted to keep. The rest was put back in thier buckets, when they were sleeping the Halloween Fairy came and took thier candy and replaced it with a small toy. They couldnt wait to see what they were given. There is now no candy fight, no cavities and the dentist LOVES us. In discussion last night it was discovered that the tooth fairy, halloween fairy and dentist must all be related.

Thats all for now,
Have a wonderful and thanful day